My Journey with Colorectal Cancer

My journey with colorectal cancer may save a life by encouraging others to have routine screenings by colonoscopy. Hopefully, sharing this may save a life. At the age of 50, I had my first colonoscopy, as recommended at the time. Some “abnormal cells” were sent off for a biopsy. I was not concerned and forgot about it. Shortly afterward, I received a call from the doctor asking me to come to the office, so I knew that this wasn’t a typical report. I was completely surprised when he told me that the results came back as squamous cell carcinoma. He scheduled me to go see a specialist in Dallas, Texas, about 100 miles from my home. For the first time in my life, I realized that I was truly not immune to my body breaking down.

What is a Colonoscopy?

Colorectal Cancer is one of the most common and deadly types of cancer. So, screening for early detection is crucial. There isn’t anything glam or sexy about a colonoscopy, but neither is putting off something that could save your life. A colonoscopy and regular screening can help identify precancerous growths (polyps) or early-stage cancer, allowing for prompt treatment.

The Process of a Colonoscopy

The day before the procedure, I followed a process, including a colon cleanse and a specific diet, as recommended by my physician. If you have ever had a colon cleanse, then you know that your skin area can get very raw. It isn’t sexy or pleasant to talk about, but it is important to all of us. I discovered a tremendous product to help deal with the painful skin. MIEL is the most amazing “Healing Balm” that will rehydrate the area to ease the discomfort. I wouldn’t go through this again without it. After I was sedated, the doctor did his thing and removed abnormalities as well as a few polyps. He took biopsies and sent them out to be examined. I know that polyps can become cancerous, so I was very happy that he took care of them. After all, prevention is the best Medicine, right? This procedure can help prevent the development of colorectal cancer or diagnose various other conditions, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

My journal with colorectal cancer

My Journey with Colorectal Cancer began with Routine Screening

I had a tremendous Specialist in Dallas. Through the years and additional colonoscopies, I have undergone surgery one more time and had polyps removed. I am now on a mission to let everyone know that it is extremely important to make sure you get a colonoscopy when it is recommended for you. Now I go every 5 years. I am honestly ready to have it done, not that I look forward to going through the process. But I know that it could very well save my life.

Let’s Dive into Colon and Rectal Cancer

In general, Colon and rectal cancers are typically treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and sometimes radiation therapy. Luckily, I did not have to undergo anything after the surgery, thanks to early detection. But I did have some side effects, especially when it came to the skin. I have included this list of various skin-related considerations and treatments to consider:

  1. Wound Care: Crucial to prevent infection and promote healing
  2. Proper Nutrition: Essential for overall health, including skin health.
  3. Hydration: Staying well hydrated is vital for maintaining skin integrity. I am not the best at drinking water, but, I keep a jug with me at all times to remind me to drink. Check this out and keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.
  4. Pain Management: Reduce stress by decreasing pain, which indirectly benefits the skin.
  5. Emotional Support: Dealing with cancer can be emotionally challenging, and stress can have an impact on skin health. Receiving emotional support and managing stress through relaxation techniques and counseling may indirectly benefit the skin.

Healing Balm for Skin Irritation

  1. Managing Side Effects: Some cancer treatments can cause skin-related side effects such as rashes, dryness, or hypersensitivity. Your healthcare team can recommend specific treatments or topical medications to manage these symptoms. I have found the most amazing product to help heal my skin. This Amazing product is full of nutrients that rapidly heal, hydrate, soothe, and soften skin. Check it out at MIEL
  2. Skin Protection: Anyone undergoing radiation therapy may experience skin changes in the treated area. It’s important to keep the skin clean and moisturized, avoid tight clothing, and protect the treated skin from direct sunlight.

My Morning Routine to Keep My Gut Healthy

My journey with colorectal cancer

I believe that it is important to keep my gut as healthy as possible. After trying many various products, once I started with Plôs thermo and Byōm™️, there was nothing else for me to try. Every morning, I add Plôs to my coffee, and within minutes, I feel that my mood is improving, my energy is up, and I know that I am burning fat. This is no joke! Byōm™️ is a dietary supplement that supports gut health. I will not leave the house without having these “Snaps”. If this applies to you, then you really need to try it. Go here to learn more about it.

Reducing the Risks of Colorectal Cancer

My Journey with Colorectal Cancer depicts the importance of considering options to minimize the risk, but it does not guarantee prevention. I make sure to get regular checkups with my doctor. I can see how screening caught my cancer at an early, treatable stage. As for me, I try to follow a few strategies to help reduce my risk These include dietary modifications such as a diet high in fiber, limiting red and processed meats, increasing calcium and vitamin D, maintaining a healthy weight through regular physical activity and diet, limiting alcohol consumption, and not smoking.

My journey with colorectal cancer

Colorectal Cancer and Gut Health

If you or someone you know is dealing with colon or rectal cancer, it’s essential to work closely with a healthcare team to develop a treatment plan that addresses all aspects of care. In addition, I have added Uüth to my supplements. This incredible “Fountain of Youth” serum is from Velovita and is one of my most exciting finds for the community. This product promotes more Youthful and Firm Skin, Reduces Fine Lines, and Boosts Nitric Oxide while improving muscle tone, strength, and endurance. Working on the outside as well as the inside is the perfect combination to look and feel younger. Go here for more information! I tell everyone who will listen to me about my story when I hear them say that they will not take the time to have a routine screening. If I had decided to ignore having a colonoscopy, I very well could not be here today.

In conclusion, My Journey with Colorectal Cancer may save a life, and is all about educating everyone about the risk factors and need for routine screening. I want to encourage everyone to take care of their health and make sure all is well in the colon area. I will forever make this a priority in my life and encourage others to do the same.

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